What is skin detoxing?

A term created by Japanese brand Mirai Clinical, skin detoxing refers to giving up skincare products for a period of time. The idea is that if you give up your routine for a period, you will allow your skin to learn how to repair and rejuvenate on its own terms. You essentially eliminate the need for a routine and products. It has been claimed that the skin is weakened by excessive product use, and without this, the skin is able to normalise and regulate itself, removing any toxins and allowing it to reset.

When it comes to putting skin detoxing into practise, the options range from a complete break over the course of a few days to relaxing your regime and opting for a more minimalist approach. Although the idea behind skin fasting sounds promising, unsurprisingly, there aren’t many professionals that support the complete cessation of your skincare routine. A source, running a successful Central London clinic, has stated; “It’s not a good idea to cut out all products, even if you are a supporter of skin fasting. Cleansing is an important part of one’s skincare routine and removing sweat, dirt, bacteria, grime and pollution from the skin’s surface is useful for personal hygiene as well as prevention of premature skin ageing.”

Who is going to talk against their speciality? The optician goes against eye laser surgery, and the skin specialists do not like us cutting all skin care products. I am no specialist and every path we take there may be some downfall, but I have tried skin detoxing, and it works so well for me! Stripping my skin of all these products (we are told we need) has done my skin wonders!

I used to be the sucker walking around any super department store falling for the promises of skin care products that did NOTHING for me. I spent thousands and thousands to finally get my skin controlled. My skin story is not your average one… I have super sensitive skin and my problems began at 21/22 years. I have shared my skin story on my Instagram, but the concept of skin detoxing has worked for me. It took a while to get here, but good things come to those who wait!

If you suffer from acne prone skin get advice from good, reputable skincare specialists and treatment centres. They help strengthen your skin and find the source of the problem, rather than top the skin with products that suffocate it.

I hope you enjoyed this light read. Maybe I have enticed you to reduce the plethora of products you plaster on your skin… Maybe I haven’t! We all know what works for us and once we have that balance, we do not want to disturb it. Try skin detoxing once in a while to boost your routine!
