Bonjour/Ciao/Hello from quarantine…

I hope everyone is well. I mean it only takes us to stay at home to achieve this… Let’s abide!
We in the UK have been criticised quite a lot by other countries as being irresponsible with our lack of constraint. I think it is time we listen and comply with the advice given. So, much to the cliché… STAY HOME!

Whilst we are stuck at home with our families… Well, most of them… what are we going to do? I often dreamed of a scenario where I could have months of work and just enjoy the time to do fun things, workout and learn to cook. So, why is it now that I have that, I’m freaking out?!!

KEEP CALM… I know. I mean what is there to freak out about… so silly!

You ask…What have I been doing these past few days…?

I went into isolation with family on 19/03/20… 4 days ago. Since then I have adopted a multitude of activities and tasks that have actually kept me busy, and not really bored at all.

Cooking is the main skill I want to master during this time. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not the greatest fan of cooking… As Carrie Bradshaw said, “I use the oven for storage”.
However, this is perfect time for me to practice my cooking skills and I am going to take that opportunity! I will run through one recipe a day on my Instagram (NIKA_KOLABI). I have the ‘Persiana’ cookbook that I want to run through. Keep yourselves busy with good food and creations for your quarantine loved ones.
Baking always goes down well… I have already tried a banana cake…this is my favourite! Maybe a blueberry and banana cake is on the cards…

Working out is something that can be done at home, and you may have seen many people setting up gyms at home in preparation for this quarantine period. There are so many apps like Kayla’s SWEAT app or just videos on Instagram which can help keep you in shape! For those who have always wanted to start getting healthier and fitter, this is your time. There are no time constraints and you can finally incorporate a workout into your day, without being exhausted. I do my workouts first thing in the morning, but with all this sitting around and lack of daily motion, I may start getting myself on my spin bike every evening for thirty minutes or so. This helps add routine and fill time. If you don’t have a spin bike… skip, jog on the spot or do a circuit in the garden. Cardio is cardio… just be active!

Skin care and haircare…I will start making face and hair masks that can be used whilst indoors throughout this time. Remember, lets improve ourselves whilst at home, rather than waste this time given. I always forget my hair masks, as I need to run out and cannot do so without washing my hair. So, my hair masks never stay on for long enough and quite often do not get used at all. I tell myself weekly; “this is the week I’ll use the hair mask”, and do I? Never! This is the time!

Blogging is a great way to keep busy…even a diary-style logging of ‘the time you went into quarantine’. I mean this is a tragic time, but also history in the making! We have never experienced a lockdown such as this, and hopefully we never will again! Keep a memoir of your days and how you spent them. Write loving notes to the people around you and keep yourselves busy with your writing/typing. Make future plans for when this is over. Keep yourselves looking forward to post quarantine – because there is going to be life after this. Writing is a real outlet for me. There are so many other ways to be creative and fulfil your time… playing instruments (Don’t annoy your quarantine buddies), reading or any other hobbies you enjoy!

Lastly, rest! Take this time to replenish your mind, body and soul. I have created a meditation corner for myself. Candles, incense and serenity to keep me calm. Those who suffer from anxiety, as I do myself, this can be your corner of Zen.
Take it easy… you only need to stay home… not much is being asked of you.

I hope this blog gives you some insight into my daily routine… Helps you get yourself into a routine, and allows you to seek the things you enjoyed, before all your time was engulfed by work and the rat race.