This year I want to take the time to improve my ability to relax and take a breather. I often meet friends and family who welcome me with “you never just take a timeout” and “you’re always running around”. Well, I am finally ready to listen and take the hint.
With work, gym and trying to socialise, I am rarely ever left with time to relax and actually just take the day in. I wonder if others feel the same. I sometimes feel I need to up my energy and stop complaining, but my mind feels so overwhelmed that it just cannot keep going at this rate.

So, I have decided to work on a solution to my problem, and probably to the problem most of us face. I am no longer 21 (oh I wish I was!) and that is definitely apparent in my energy levels and dictates my bedtime these days. I need to work harder now on keeping myself energised and ready for my daily tasks. I must say it can be a struggle…it is not easy, and I am happy to admit that. On Instagram life is the perfect picture of joy, happiness and guilty pleasures but Instagram is nothing to do with reality.

How have I started to practice relaxation?

Well, it would seem like relaxation should just come to us, but these days, it doesn’t seem to be something easily accessible. It actually takes energy for me to switch off and try to force myself into a relaxed state. I am so wired daily…from work, gym, going out etc… that when it comes to switching off it can be hard!

These are my 4 top tips:

1. Switch off – learn to say no! I can never just say no – I will make plans with everyone when they ask, and I then try to squeeze appointments in between, and family time too. This (as you can imagine) leaves me exhausted, tired looking and unable to actually enjoy any of it! So, my new rule is to keep it simple… stop cramming in things during your day off and learn time management. Sometimes, I think I can do way more in the day than is actually possible and I end up tiring myself to please others. Then I run late, and they are not even pleased! It is a LOSE/LOSE situation! it is about me now and what makes me happy.

2. As a dentist I often see tooth wear… linked to stress and is a common issue. Grinding due to anxieties and stresses…people are just not resting physically or mentally. Meditation, yoga and spa days are how I plan on settling this. I am setting one evening or morning dedicated each week to relaxation in the form of the aforementioned.

3. The CALM app…this is a new friend of mine. I have been using this app for a while now, to better my sleep and reduce stresses. I highly recommend this app. It can cater to your specific needs and what you want to improve on. In light of the tragic death of Caroline Flack, who sadly took her own life, It is important that we take the time daily to look after and nourish our minds not just our bodies. Happiness is not something handed on a plate and for those who suffer from stress and anxiety it is important to deal and improve your ability to overcome such obstacles. I found this app to be super helpful for relaxation techniques.

4. Social media detox… I guess we are all in need of this. The ‘Keeping up with the joneses’ complex… When will it end! A social media detox might sound like a punishment; and if it does, there’s a really good chance you need one! Just remember 95% of what you see is a portrayal of what someone wants to be and is most likely not the real picture!
As a meme states; “In a world of algorithms, hashtags and followers, know the true importance of human connection”. I am guilty of this…dinners become a compilation of pictures, videos and selfies…what happened to keeping your companion accompanied?!


How many times do you get into bed and before you know it, it has been an hour of scrolling through Instagram?

Well, that extra hour of sleep would change so much for you the following day. I no longer check my phone before bed and ensure the blue light is off…check your settings on your iPhone you can place a set time where the blue light switches off.


So, let’s get back to us…The real us… not some edited, enhanced or untruthful version. Learn to understand your own needs, soothe your soul and enjoy something other than technology. Yes, I am speaking to myself too!

It took writing this blog to get myself to research methods of bettering my health, self and mental state. To understand the sad truth of us being stuck in this literal rat race with no breather…and we do it to ourselves (well, I do!)

So, take the day as it comes… remember to give yourself time to soothe and relax.
