Life at home

Hi to all my lovely readers, I hope you are all doing well and keeping safe! Today marks one month since I began quarantine life, and it has been quite a journey. I never expected such an occurrence to become reality in my lifetime… I thought the world was ready for anything… I was wrong! We just have to keep strong and hopefully move on from this.

I have created this blog in response to your voting on Instagram for more lifestyle blogs. I know a lot of you follow me on Instagram, and therefore see my day to day activities. I wrote my first blog for this quarantine series on how to pass time, keep yourself occupied and better yourself during this period. I hope that helped and kept you inspired. After one month I may need to go back and read that myself for more inspiration!

Today, let’s talk about home life, décor and changes to your current static environment. We used to leave the house for work, gym and social life. Well… that all now happens in one place and this can be difficult. It used to be an outlet to get to the gym and escape and now that’s just moving to the next room (roll my eyes), if even that.

To defeat the process of repetition, I decided to change up my living space, move furniture around and change the ambience. I have long been a fan of ‘Feng Shui’ and today I want to explore this with you to see how that applies to your living space. Create a workplace, a gym space and a relaxation area to avoid feeling like you’re stuck in one place all the time. I know this may not be something everyone can do, and I know some do not have a garden…work with what you have.

The 3 Feng Shui rules I abide by, that should NEVER be broken;

1. Be organised and tidy – There is nothing like an untidy space/setting. I have never been able to focus unless my surroundings are neat and everything is in order. A disorganised home is a breeding ground for stress, depression and unhappiness. I actually did a spring clean when the quarantine first started and I keep up with that daily.

2. Move your bed away from the window – This rule is super important in keeping in line with the Feng Shui ‘rules’. The logic behind this is that both your mind and body need support, so beds should be placed against solid walls with no doors on either side. The energy in your bedroom space needs to be tranquil and harmonious. So, you can work on this during quarantine.

3. Separate your work and resting areas –  It is said you should never work where you sleep, and so this can be a project to reorganise your bedroom. If you do not have a study, then create a working corner simply buy having a comfortable chair and table, with perhaps some candles and flowers. The beauty of working from home is that you could even take your workplace outside (If you have a garden). Just NO laptops on your bedside table! Your bedroom cannot be an oasis of calm if associated with work!

I hope some of those ideas have given you some insight into changing it up at home, because here in the UK we still have (at least) another 3 weeks to go!

So, keep motivated… stay happy and use the above blog to keep your ‘chi’ in order.