Here comes Santa… and we all need to look good for him! So, what are my rituals before christmas?

Be good before the big day…there will be plenty of food between Christmas and New Year and if you wish to fit into your NYE dress then you have got to work for that from now until mid-December. I cannot control myself past then…
Once that day gets here you can say goodbye to diet and hello to carbs (unless you have immense will power and if so good for you) I do not and plan on eating every mince pie insight.

I have actually just got myself back into the swing of things with working out and I am going to attempt a sugar free period for the first two weeks of December… Yes, I have a few high teas but aside from those (hangs head in shame).

Aside from trying to get myself in the best shape I can for this period and in general for my health. I am also keeping up with my facials that I discuss in my ‘beauty’ section. These facials mean my skin is looking better and ready to receive my makeup. Nothing feels better than good skin!

Make sure you also get your outfits ready to partyyy! I’ll post some of my favourite party dresses in stores now to inspire your glittering souls.

The rest of my preparation for Christmas lies in stores…presents, food and all things glittery and Christmassy. I just love this season and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!