I have spent years building my designer handbag collection and every minute spent running from store to store has been worth it. So, I am going to give my wonderful readers some insight into how I built my dream handbag collection and sought the most coveted bags from around the world to begin my collection.

Firstly, If you are a bag lover your collection will never be complete – it is just like art – as long as they can create… we will want! However, with fashion there is a beautiful cycle and the term for it is vintage.

The Gucci Ophidia bag, that my mum had purchased before I was born, is currently selling on the shelves of Gucci once more. There are many recycled fashion pieces out there and Dior are currently driving the craze with the saddle bag! Loads of people have put up pictures of their vintage version next to the new updated Maria Grazia Chiuri version and frankly that is considered a good investment and timeless piece.

I build my collection by holding on to the idea of timeless and classic. I see my purchases as more of an investment than an irrational purchase. People often talk of ?investments? with their handbags and others will laugh but I will tell you something that they do not know…It is true! Every single bag I have bought has increased in price every single year that has passed and is no less coveted…

So, let me tell you how I began to build my collection…

These bags can be hard to get a hold of and I am sure most of you reading have tried to seek certain bags that the SA cannot get a hold of or you may have to wait longer for. I have been told they do not have what I am looking for many times. So here are some tips I have picked up to get the bags you want.

-Get to know the SA… they are usually super helpful and now they actually give you their number to contact them and once your desired purchase is in and ready to be taken home they will let you know.

-Don’t hesitate to try multiple stores – one may have what the other does not – if you are trying this get in there early – mornings are the better time to seek your bag.

-Find out the date of the launch of new lines – Designers like Chanel and Dior will kindly tell you and if you get there early your bag is sure to be in stock – by early I do mean the first person in store – that is how I found my Boy bag.
Dior actually launch their products sometimes earlier online and you can pre-order!

-Hermes is a different story – these guys make you work for your bag and let’s not lie… is so worth it! It was a hard job finding my Birkin and I have written in earlier blogs of how it actually happened. I know if you are trying you may feel hopeless but honestly do not give up your time will come. Get familiar with staff and check, check and check every store, every time and in every country you visit. My luck was handed to me in gorgeous Geneva!