
Happy Wednesday readers, I hope everyone is keeping safe and well! I have just read a great Aspire Academy blog, on the topic of anxiety, which links closely to this blog. Today, I am going to be exploring the topic of breathing. I understand that we all know how to breathe… but are we breathing in the correct way? It is something we all do approximately 23,000 times a day since birth and apparently, we are doing it wrong! So, let’s master it!

It was recommended to me many years ago to see a breathing coach and work on my breathing pattern. I understand this is a subconscious activity and you do not need to think about how to breathe. However, if you have ever experienced an anxiety attack, then the method of understanding your breathing and learning to control it, will allow you to manage it.

We have all been in lockdown for some time now, and people who have never experienced anxiety are suddenly facing it. Anxiety is a horrible and bizarre feeling, that I would not wish upon anyone. It can manifest in many different ways and the key is to understand your anxiety and tackle it. Do not hide from it, because if you do not face it, it will consume you! With anxiety, hyperventilation may be the most visceral symptom. However, the thinking is that even our ‘normal’, subconscious breathing is askew. The aim of breathing coaches is to get us inhaling and exhaling in ways that oxygenate blood flow, strengthen muscles and combat anxiety. According to experts, we are breathing short, sharp and shallow, almost like we are in a constant state of fight-or-flight panic. It is not just as simple as taking a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. The ‘correct’ way is to breathe deep and low through the nose, expanding from the lungs rather than the shoulders. It is about belly breathing. This idea is entirely different to yoga’s ‘Pranayama technique’, which is centred on manipulating your breath.

There is also a definite correlation to skin. Experts say you are oxygenating all of your cells, which promotes skin healing and prevents ageing. Other specialists have claimed that it can even help with eczema and acne.

So, how should we be breathing –

Take a deep breath in through the nose and then out from the mouth… not quite that simple. The deep breath needs to be taken in from the nose into the chest, you then need to hold it for four seconds, and with an inward contracted abdomen just exhale. Try repeating this for several minutes and see how you feel.

I hope everyone continues to keep well, both mentally and physically.
Happy reading