Botox party…???

I will firstly admit that yes I have had Botox…once! The verdict is…I am totally for it!

I have forehead lines (nothing else) and I administer Botox for close family and friends, so I decided to give it a go to help soften my frowning ability. No one likes a frown!

As a dentist and not just a blogger, I must say it works and can be great for both those with wrinkles and those that have not yet got wrinkles but want to prevent and minimise what is to come (the later est moi).

I’m going to discuss the preventative positives that Botox has and how it’s really not that big a deal (as long as you go to the right person for your treatment).

Botox is used to paralyse the muscles (short term aka for 3 months) that allow us to frown/make facial expressions, depending on where you have it done. Many people are against this as it is related to all things plastic and fantastic.

However, I want to inform my readers that Botox is super common! It is easy to get Botox done well and it actually does have the ability to help reduce your chances of wrinkles in the future as a younger Botox lover. Botox prevents you from being able to create those expressions and then therefore those lines. Less ability to create lines = less likelihood of having lines in the future… so why not?

Don’t worry you will not become entirely expressionless. It all depends on what look you want. I went for a super soft look and no one actually could tell I had, had anything done. Some people like the more ‘obvious’ look and that is what they shall get. Each to their own…

There are always risks and complications of course so please see someone who is certified and registered to administer your Botox!!!