Hi readers,

It has been a while and I have truly missed you.

I have been so busy with my skin and facial aesthetics venture that I took some time away from my blogs, but I am back!

I hope 2022 is treating everyone well… Can you believe January is almost over?!

Has everyone become relaxed about their New Years resolutions, and fighting the urge to return to their previous habits?? I would love to know how well you’re keeping up with your 2022 goals.

My main resolution was to read a mountain of books and learn as many new things as possible.

I am reading. Although, not as much as I would like. Per usual life gets in the way.


Book recommendations so far:

“The midnight Library” by Matt Haig

What an amazing book. This book is for everyone who ever wandered ‘what if ‘ and even if you haven’t wandered… read it!

The amount of perspective and insight this book gives and how we all long for the things that got away, and the potentials and quests we never followed, is scarily accurate. You reach a point in the book where you realise life really is the outcome of a series of choices we make and quests we overcome/ do not overcome… and perhaps for those wondering what could have been, you may realise that everything is the way it is for a reason.


“Breath” by James Nestor

I am also reading “Breath” by James Nestor. This book is on the topic of breathing and our breathing methods. I want to learn how to improve my own breathing technique, as I am a mouth-breather, and only breath through my nose when I’m conscience of it. I started reading the book to learnĀ about the negatives of mouth-breathing and how 90% of the population are breathing incorrectly. Yes, even breathing has a technique that can be be either beneficial or detrimental to your health.

Please let me know if there are any self-beneficial books that you would recommend.

I will update you on any amazing books I come across.


I’ll be back to releasing more blogs in 2022 and once my Dr Nika Kolabi site is live – I will be releasing all of my skin blogs too!


Happy health and reading
