Been saving this one for a rainy day!


Hi readers, I hope you’re well! I guess you have all woken up to the gloomy and dull weather in the UK. I really enjoyed the warmer spell here in the UK, it made quarantine life far easier to digest. It allowed us to enjoy the outer space and not feel so bound to the confines of this quarantine. Just the word ‘quarantine’ or ‘isolation’ can feel claustrophobic. Unfortunately, this week’s forecast shows a lot of rain and this does not sit well with me (sad face). I feel the sunshine gave us all a form of escapism and allowed us to stay hopeful during these uncertain times. However, let’s not dwell… that is not my style…I would rather think of further things that can entertain me and better me (and all of you). So, what can we look forward to???

I will be sticking to my workout routine first thing every morning; that has been brilliant. I started running, and I must say this is an amazing way to begin the day…It is ‘you time’ at its best! It is not easy, and you hear people discussing how they ran here and there without breaking a sweat. No, not me! I sweat, it is messy, and it is hard! This is not to put you off, it is to ensure your expectations are realistic. So, when you do run and get tired, you do not quit! It is hard for everyone initially, but the rewards supersede the exhaustion. I did the infamous 5 for 5 challenge recently, and it was the first time I ran 5 miles non-stop. It made me realise I can actually run, and this has now become my new exercise source. Sunday is now run-day! What new habits have you taken up? Maybe none, but that’s ok too… there is still time!

Due to the sunny weather, I have not been as good at getting any work done. Not dental work because that cannot happen from home. Although, everyone seems to be doing dental webinars these days… I am keeping up with some (mostly Aspire dental academy, going back to my previous dental blog). I am going to read more if the weather takes a turn for the worst… There is something magical about sinking into a good book, by the window, with the raindrops pouring down the glass. As much as there is beauty in the sunshine… there is also so much beauty in the rain. I remember being in Mumbai, India for my elective period at University. My group decided to go to India and Thailand (to travel and learn dentistry), and whilst we were there it was monsoon season. Rain in India has a different meaning. It was appreciated, and even celebrated by the Indian people. One image that will forever be engrained in my mind, is watching them put their hands out and dance in the heavy rain pour. We tried this and It was really good fun…so liberating! Try it next time it pours it down!

Another activity I gave up on during the good weather spell was baking. I miss the bakes! The trend of the banana cake seems to be fading, and that’s a shame. I love any bake and I love looking at food pictures… definitely a source of happiness for me (Yes, I love looking at food). I have not baked anything for a while, as it just felt too warm to be eating cake, but with the change in weather, I think I may be getting my bake back on! Any requests?

I have lots of inspiration on my quarantine blog series, to keep you occupied and inspired! Take a look and I hope they inspire you and keep you busy!

Happy reading