(5 minute read)

Dining in? Well that is your only option!

So, why not make your food pretty and restaurant-like?

I have now been home for two full weeks (as many of us have), and every morning, post workout, I am creating breakfast ideas that make me happy and resemble the food I would be served outside.

A simple thought, I know, but a measure that brings a smile to my face in the mornings and allows me to get creative at the beginning of the day. Brightening up the start, motivates you to keep positive throughout the day and keep going strong! If you do not believe me, then believe my Instagram followers… I get so many comments on my breakfast ideas and how people are intrigued and inspired by them.

Where to start? I just free style meals, but if you feel you need preparation time, then you can make yourself a breakfast/lunch or dinner timetable. This is always a good idea as it helps to keep you organised, ensures you are controlling snacking habits and also gives you a shopping list, for when you can head to stores, to buy useful things.

Every morning, I try to make fruit salads as colourful as ever! Grab fun fruits like kiwis, berries, possibly some passion fruit… Dress your salad with different nuts (I love the beautiful green colour of pistachios). Waking up to these colours keeps you excited and happy. Research has shown that colours can greatly affect moods. It was even found by researchers; Keith Jacobs and Frank Hustmyer that colours can affect our heart rate, blood pressure and even respiration!

The happiest colour is said to be yellow…

Another aspect of mealtimes that can enhance your day, is setting and laying a beautiful table. Imagine you are out and dining somewhere nice, rather than at home. Imagination is all we have currently. I must say, these skills have allowed me to become a better cook and also present food in a nicer way. It is never a bad thing for when you actually have guests… think of this as preparation.

Use fun bowls and plates… try different designs and set ups. Dorothy Draper’s advice in her classic 1939 book ‘Decorating is fun’ is always one to go by. A good read and a skill to impress your guests or yourself in the future! You are in isolation, so you finally have the time to get creative. Bring out the different plate settings and cutlery you have hoarded for years… and make magic! It is appealing to others to see your creativity with meals, but also makes you actually feel happier and more fulfilled to see bright colours and be creative.

Where to start? Well, linens get laid down first. Use any linens around, go bold and relate to the previous point of using colour to brighten your day. A centre piece comes next… even if it is just you. I always have a centrepiece on my table… Whether its flowers or a vase filled with lemons/ oranges… It keeps it bright and again elevates my mood from a simple glance!
Your crockery and glasses can also be fun and whimsical… use what you have.

I hope this is another read that helps keep you motivated,  strong and helps brighten your day throughout this period.

Let’s keep positive and creative!

Lots of love
