How I keep to my 5 rule skin regime – part 2

If you have read my last blog, on my 5 top tips that have changed my skin, then you will wonder how I applied these rules into my life.

Here are my exact skin tips and tricks…

1. Water

Hydration is key… I have a minimum of 1.5/2 litres per day but really I aim for 3L. I am quite tall (5’7/8) and I now workout, meaning I need more water. This needs to be consistent.

If you are forever reaching for your chapstick, you are dehydrated!

2. Makeup removal

I do not use anything with SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) in it. Instead, I have opted for a balm based makeup remover, that when rubbed on melts the makeup, then you simply remove with a warm cloth. This removal technique has worked really well for me. There is no residue of makeup left over and this is what allows my skin to breathe and repair over night.

Prior to this technique, I would always find a residue of makeup in the morning. Soapy removal techniques, which foam up and you rub in, or makeup removal wipes did nothing for me. I now use the Clinique balm remover. I have also used Emma Hardie’s Moringa balm. This smells divine but is more expensive and had no further benefits for my skin. It is a really nice balm though and comes with a cloth.

TIP- change cloths regularly, do not let them just dry and reuse as bacteria can collect! I have about 7 cloths and I change them daily.

3. Dairy

I try not to have animal milk but instead coconut/almond alternative and always try to ensure they are unsweetened as sugar does not help my skin in any way. My facial clinician gave me this tip and stated dairy can affect your hormones and if you are prone to spots it can induce them. This may not be the case for everyone but dairy is known to not be great for acne prone skin.

Sugar is also an enemy – it creates inflammation as I discussed in my last blog and is no good for you…other than giving you immense pleasure to eat and sometimes it is TOTALLY FINE! Nothing has to ever be cut out completely… I do not take strict measures like that. Daily, I try to leave it out of my diet by not drinking sugary drinks, no sugar in teas or coffees and no sugary sauces on food. You have to look for hidden sugars and check labels when purchasing food items. Most “foods” that come in a packet will contain some sort of sugar.

4. Rest

Sleep is vital for your skin to recuperate and renew. All our renewal is done during our sleep and personally I need 8 hours of it. Less than this and I start to see the signs of dull skin, bags and flare ups.

TIP – My Iphone has been set to change its lighting to “night shift” to prevent that blue light glare from 10pm to 8am. I also put on ‘night mode’ to prevent any notifications from disturbing my sleep. Try to read or meditate before bed… I must admit I am not so good with the latter and need to work on that!

5. Routine

Skin likes routine! I always ensure that my makeup is removed (as discussed above). My facial clinician does not have me wearing any moisturiser, as she believes this makes “skin lazy”. She states that overnight she wants my skin to work on renewal, and with a moisturiser it tricks the skin into thinking it can do nothing- aka becoming lazy. Again, this may not work for everyone, but I have been moisturiser free for over a year. There are many different skin types and this applies to my oily skin that is blemish prone. Instead, I must keep up with daily SPF 50 (this can be tinted or clear). I also use a serum if my skin gets dry by Neostrata. I have a retinol serum I use every 3 days to manage the skin and keep it clear. If I over use retinol it can really dry my skin and have this peeling effect.


There are days when my skin looks amazing and other days when it can flare up. I cannot always be as good as the above notes. Sometimes, I may have sugar and dairy…possibly even not reach 3L of water (shock horror). Yes, this can make my skin look less bright and brilliant, but such is life. The battle with acne prone skin is difficult to win forever. However, management and keeping it calm does make life easier, and the above really has changed everything for me.

I was told to go on Roaccutane, and I do know others who have, but I am still not confident enough to justify medication that can have adverse effects. I would rather take the natural route and make changes that will benefit not only my skin but also my health.