Five skin tips that can change your life



  1. Find a good clinic that understands skincare. I go to Teresa Tarmey and also used Sarah Chapman, in London. Ensure they understand skin problems and get them to aid you. Their facials can help maintain a healthy skin tone and unclog you for clear and glowing skin! They also give very good tips and tricks that I am going to share.


2. See what makes you flare up. I know for a fact sugar and dairy are my skin’s nemesis. When I reduce them in my diet, I have clearer skin. Simple. You can get allergy tests done and there will be specialist in this department to aid you. Supplements are also beneficial in keeping your skin clear. Probiotics are my go-to.


3. Drink, drink and drink… water that is! H20 can help a tremendous amount! Alcohol is terrible for skin… it is dehydrating and causes inflammation – leading to enlarged pores, dullness and sagging. Drinking wine rather than ‘hard alcohol’ is better for your skin. It is said that even drinking with your meal is better than drinking on its own, as this prevents your blood sugar from rapidly rising and exacerbating that inflammation. In summary, red wine in moderation is fine but forget the spirits and cocktails if you want better skin health.


if you drink:

NEVER drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Stay well hydrated whilst drinking

Avoid those sugary cocktails – avoid sugary drinks at all!


Sleep and relaxation

4. Get your rest! I need about eight full hours to feel completely rested. I must confess I am guilty of often having less than this! We all probably need to try harder. I often hear people saying, “I can survive on 6 hours.” Well, we can all survive on 6 hours, but I want to do more than survive. If you struggle with your skin… keep well rested.


Your routine

5. Once you have your routine – stick to it! Do NOT go to bed without removing your makeup. Ensure your skin is being looked after! Choose your makeup wisely – look for oil free and mineral based alternatives. My favourite for a while has been Bare Minerals… I needed coverage but I needed it to be light feeling on my skin and this was a Godsend.


When removing your makeup, your last cotton pad must have NOTHING on it!

Goodluck for those on a skin journey…

As my facialist says “Hoping for no makeup days” and I can honestly say, it has now been a week since I applied any foundation!

Happy reading
